There is an easier, smarter, and more profitable way for you to make your sales reps the successes they want to achieve and it is good for the company also.
1. Make sure your reps have spent time researching company products, learning every single benefit inside out, and upside down.
2. We all like to win, so does your new salesperson. That’s why it’s a good idea to give new sales reps slightly lower than the normal targets to achieve, or an easier set of customers to work with.
3. Some people are born sales reps, while others need a bit more help to really reach their potential. Every new salesperson should work with one of your experienced salespeople for at least their first thirty days in your company.
4. Every single one of your salespeople should attend a refresher training session at least once every three months. With the help of technology, it is easy to bring all people together on a webinar.
5. Not asking for the sale is where 80% of most sales are lost, so if nothing else teach your salespeople how to ask for the sale.
6. Make a proper daily reporting process for your salespersons, this will help you fix what is going wrong. Ask for daily reports of their visits, sales order values, visits outcome, day planning, and target vs achievement.
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